Funerary Agency Xavier Neto

Contacts Funerary Agency Xavier Neto

Armando Moreira Pacheco

Armando Moreira Pacheco

03 Agosto 1948 | 20 Março 2023

74 years

Funeral Armando Moreira Pacheco

  • Personal information

    Date of birth: 03-08-1948

    Death date: 20-03-2023

    Marital status: Casado

    Address: Ferreira - Paços de Ferreira

    Naturalness: Ferreira - Paços de Ferreira

  • Funeral
    21 Março
    17:00 H

    Religious and Funeral Service

    All date information about the deceased.

    Funeral candle


    Mosteiro de Ferreira


    Starting at 14:00 hours

    Funeral Faith


    Mosteiro de Ferreira


    17:00 hours

    Funeral church

    Seventh Day Mass

    Mosteiro de Ferreira


    20:00 hours

    Funeral Notice

    You can consult all relevant information about the death.

    Armando Moreira Pacheco

    The winds that sometimes take something that we love are the same that bring something that we learn to love ... So we should not cry for what was taken, but learn to love what has been given. For everything that is really ours is never gone forever.
    Those we love never just die, leave before us.

    • Funerary Agency Xavier Neto

      We have necrological announcements and notices (participation, thanks, 7th day mass, death anniversary) placed in newspapers and shared on social networks.